Solar Power in New Brunswick with Solar Resource

Welcome to Solar Resource, your gateway to sustainable energy in New Brunswick. Our mission is to illuminate the path to cleaner, more affordable energy solutions for your home or business. Discover the immense potential of solar energy in New Brunswick and embrace a brighter, greener future. Join the solar revolution with us today and see how you can harness the power of the sun to cut your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Ready to make the switch to solar energy? Contact us now for a free consultation and quote from our experts!

Quick Facts about Solar in New Brunswick

New Brunswick boasts more solar potential than you might think. With an average of 1,900 hours of sunshine annually, your home or business could tap into this renewable resource. Solar panels can reduce your electricity bills significantly while helping you contribute to a cleaner environment. Additionally, New Brunswick offers tax incentives and rebates to make solar panel installation more affordable. The province’s net metering program allows you to sell excess electricity back to the grid. Investing in solar panels in New Brunswick can not only save you money but also make a positive impact on the environment.

Is Solar Worth It In New Brunswick?

Yes! New Brunswick’s abundant sunshine and available incentives make solar energy a smart investment. With rising energy costs and a commitment to sustainability, solar panels can substantially reduce your utility bills while contributing to a greener future.

What is the cost of solar panels in New Brunswick?

The cost of solar panels in New Brunswick varies depending on factors like the size of your installation and equipment quality. On average, a residential solar system can range from $10,000 to $30,000 before incentives. However, provincial rebates and federal tax credits can significantly offset these costs, making solar more affordable than ever.

Can you get free solar panels installed in New Brunswick?

Yes, you can! While not entirely free, New Brunswick offers enticing incentives such as the Solar Homes Program and various tax credits. These incentives can help cover a significant portion of your installation costs, making the transition to solar energy more budget-friendly. To learn more and explore your options, contact us for a free consultation with our solar experts.

What are New Brunswick's solar incentives?

New Brunswick provides various incentives to promote solar energy adoption, including the Solar Homes Program, which offers rebates for residential solar installations. Furthermore, the federal government provides a Renewable Energy Tax Credit, allowing homeowners to claim a portion of their solar investment. To explore the full scope of available incentives and determine your eligibility, consult with our experts and let us help you maximize your savings.

What is Solar Net Metering in New Brunswick?

Solar net metering in New Brunswick allows solar panel owners to export excess electricity to the grid and receive credits for it. During sunny days when your system generates more electricity than you consume, these credits offset your future electricity bills. This helps you achieve a return on your solar investment and ensures you make the most of your system’s energy production. Net metering is a win-win situation, benefiting both your wallet and the environment by encouraging solar power generation and efficient energy use.

Areas We Serve

  • Saint John
  • Moncton
  • Fredericton
  • Dieppe
  • Miramichi
  • Edmundston
  • Bathurst
  • Campbellton